You are separated and leading to a divorce. You must begin to build a case for custody and financial issues. One thing you need to think about are persons that could testify in court on your behalf to support your case. Start thinking about persons who have personally...
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Month: March 2019
Changes in tax law on spousal support and alimony
For divorced entered after December 31, 2018, there has been a profound change in the tax law relating to spousal support and alimony. For divorces entered before January 1, 2019, spousal support or alimony was tax deductible on the payor's federal tax return. The...
You come home and your spouse and kids have moved out. What do you do?
Your worst nightmare is about the happen and you have no clue. In the morning you leave home for work and kiss your spouse and kids. You come home to an empty house. No spouse. No kids. Maybe no furniture. This stuff really happens. What do you do? Try to stay calm...
Steps to simplify selling a home during a divorce
Going through a divorce in Virginia can be a trying ordeal. There are some emotions involved in the process that can be difficult to deal with, and divorce only gets more complicated when the divorcing couple needs to sell their home. In order to sell their home, a...
What Do You Do If Your Spouse Does Not Want To Get Divorced
Oftentimes, one spouse may want to get divorced immediately but the other spouse has no desire to get divorced. Let's say you are the spouse who wants an immediate divorce. Your spouse does not want to get divorced for whatever reasons. One reason may be that he/she...
What To Do If Your Children Have Relocated Away From You
If your children are living at least a few hours away, it is easy to lose touch with their lives. You must make affirmative steps to maintain your connection with your kids. Here are some ideas to do this: You need to write into your agreement that your spouse must...
How To Protect Your Child Support Or Alimony? Life Insurance
Child support and alimony payments end on the payor's death. What if the payor dies before the end of child support or alimony duration? One way to protect these payments-and to ensure that you continue to get child and spousal support--if the payor dies is to obtain...
Social media, texting may help children cope with divorce
Social isolation and cyberbullying are some of the less savory aspects of modern communications that may have some Virginia parents understandably concerned. However, there are some positive things about the way kids today prefer to communicate, especially when family...