Experience, Accessibility And Proven Results

Photo Of Daniel George Dannenbaum

You Have Options: Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods

At Dannenbaum Law Firm, PLLC, in Arlington, Virginia, I encourage many of my clients to consider mediation to reach agreements on all aspects of their divorce. I strongly believe in the benefits of the mediation process.

With more than 25 years of experience and over 3,000 family law cases under my belt, I know that many couples will not be able to negotiate a settlement amicably. For those couples who want to avoid a long and costly trial, however, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) are often the best choices.

What Can Mediation Do For You?

No one knows your situation better than the spouse whom you are divorcing. By going through mediation, you can come to an agreement on the things that are most important to both of you without a family law judge making decisions that you or your spouse may not agree with. Major benefits of mediation include:

  • Spouses who reach a mediated settlement are usually happier with the agreement and can get along down the road when other decisions need to be made, like a post-divorce modification.
  • Mediated settlements can be personally tailored to a couple’s unique needs, giving both spouses more control over the process.
  • Children of divorce will benefit from parents who use mediation rather than engage in an emotionally charged trial and hurl recriminations at each other. Successfully going through mediation will make co-parenting easier.

As your lawyer, I can be with you every step of the way through mediation to make sure you do not agree to anything that is not in your best interests. By completing your settlement quicker through mediation, you can move on with your life.

Give Me A Call And Learn How I Can Help You Find A Solution Through Mediation

If you think that mediation or other ADR methods may be the best course for you and your spouse to settle your divorce, contact me, attorney Daniel G. Dannenbaum. I can explain the benefits of mediation and how it will affect your specific needs. Call 703-661-9151 or toll free at 800-615-8904 any time day or night to schedule a free consultation.