When getting divorced, a couple must split not only their shared assets but also their shared debts. Many people today carry student loan debt for many years after completing school. When they get a divorce, they must understand how their student loans may or may not...
Experience, Accessibility And Proven Results
Month: August 2020
How an uncontested divorce may help maximize your takeaway
Your finances may look a whole lot different after a divorce as you adjust to getting by on one income, rather than two. Even if you were not working during the majority of your marriage, your financial future may still look much different when your relationship comes...
Mediation can help with child custody decisions
Divorcing parents, understandably, often disagree about child custody issues. Emotions run high and can affect the decision-making process. If parents are unable to come to a mutual agreement, the court steps in and makes the decision for them. However, using...
What counts as gross income when determining child support?
Parents in Virginia have many responsibilities as they raise their children. They need to make choices about school and ensure their children are receiving a good education. They need to make medical decisions and bring them to the doctor. Parents also need to provide...
How to address the family home during divorce
One of the more important decisions many divorcing couples will need to make during the divorce and property division process is what will happen to the family home. This blog recently discussed the property division process during divorce and it is also helpful to...