Going through the process of divorce can understandably be emotionally and financially unsettling. This is true no matter how long or short of a time you and your spouse have been married. However, the divorce process may be especially nerve racking if your spouse...
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Month: March 2018
Expanding the scope of gun prohibition to domestic abusers
The recent school shootings are likely to have an effect on gun laws in Virginia and elsewhere. New restrictions may affect not merely mass shootings but also other forms of firearm homicide. There is current speculation that states may seek to bar gun ownership for...
Custody determinations in Virginia
When parents of young children decide to get divorced, they may need to seek a custody determination in court. In Virginia, parents may reach agreements about custody on their own, get help from a mediator, use a collaborative process or litigate the issues through...
A parenting agreement can make child custody easier to address
During divorce, one of the most emotionally challenging matters you and your spouse will have to address if you have a child is custody. Understandably, the fact that you may not be able to spend as much time with your child as you once did can be heartbreaking....
What happens to a retirement account in a divorce
When a couple in Virginia gets a divorce, they might have a retirement account they need to divide. If it is an IRA, there may be certain regulations that need to be followed to prevent having to pay taxes and penalties. A person's distribution must be rolled into...
How people can protect themselves in case of divorce
While thinking about divorce can be unsavory, couples in Virginia who are getting married might want to consider creating a prenuptial agreement. These agreements can help keep assets separate and specify what will happen to shared property if a split ever occurs....