When compared with their younger counterparts, grey divorcees often have unique and potentially difficult struggles to handle. Most of these issues revolve around your financial situation, which differs starkly in your 50s compared to those in their 20s or 30s. But...
Experience, Accessibility And Proven Results
Month: May 2021
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3 tips for taking care of yourself during divorce
You may not have pictured yourself ever getting a divorce. But ending a marriage is a common experience for many people. The American Psychological Association states that in the U.S., approximately 40 to 50% of all married couples eventually get divorced. If you are...
Could mediation help me accept a divorce settlement?
Divorce can be an emotionally taxing experience. Many people associate it with intense conflicts over child custody, property and the amount a spouse will receive in alimony. While going to mediation may avoid these emotionally fraught battles, it might also help you...