It's important for any soon-to-be ex-spouse in Virginia to not let the divorce affect their professional life. This means not talking about the divorce unless it is strictly necessary. The only work colleagues who may need to know are business partners, HR...
Experience, Accessibility And Proven Results

Month: April 2019
Child custody evaluations
When a couple with children separate or seek divorce, there are a number of ways to determine how custody of the children will be decided. Custody means three things: (i) legal custody or decision making; (ii) physical custody or a schedule of when the children will...
How do you get a permanent protective order?
A permanent protective order is issued by a judge. It can last up to two years. It can be extended by a judge for an additional two years. How do you obtain a permanent protective order? At the preliminary protective order hearing, if the Judge grants you a permanent...
Preliiminary protective orders: what can the court order?
If the Court grants you a Preliminary Protective Order, you can ask for the following from the Judge. Prohibit any contact the alleged offender with you, your family members, or your household members. Prohibit the offender from coming within a certain distance of...
Protective orders
One way to obtain a protective order against a family member (see prior blog on the definition of a family member) is to go to the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in take office. There, you will meet with an intake officer or counselor who will help you complete...
Millennials and prenups
When couples in Virginia get married, divorce is typically the last thing on their minds. However, even once-solid relationships have been known to end in divorce. When this happens, both spouses will have to negotiate financial issues, such as dividing joint assets...
Emergency Protective Orders: What Can The Court Do?
If you are able to obtain an Emergency Protective Order (EPO), the EPO can do a number of things to protect your health and safety during the time the protective order is effective. A protective order can prohibit: All contact by the alleged abuser against the...
Avoid future problems when drafting your prenuptial agreement
When a Virginia couple is preparing to walk down the aisle, it is a time of great excitement and a lot of preparation. As a recently engaged person, it can be tempting to only think about planning for the day of the wedding, but you would be wise to think beyond that....
Domestic Violence: Obtaining Emergency Protective Orders:
What is a protective order? A protective order is a court order signed by a judge or magistrate that protects a person's health or safety. In the context of family law, the order can be entered when an act of family abuse has occurred. What is family abuse...
Social Security And Divorce
If you are married for 10 years or longer, the lower-earning spouse is entitled to social security benefits on the higher earning spouse's record. These benefits do not impact or lower the higher earning spouse's social security payments. Therefore, it is critical to...