Mediation offers an effective way for divorcing couples to resolve spousal support, even when there’s a large difference in income. Unlike traditional court battles, mediation allows both parties to have a say in creating a fair agreement. Evaluating each party’s...
Experience, Accessibility And Proven Results
Spousal Support
How long will I receive spousal support?
Spousal support should help you as you work to become financially independent and able to take care of yourself. The intention is not to become a long-term source of income or an alternative to making your own income. For this reason, the court will set an end date...
Will Spousal Support Be Awarded in my Divorce?
Spousal support is a divorce-related topic that can cause confusion and contention in Virginia residents who are considering ending their marriages. That is because while it is expected that two married people will financially support each other during their...
Changes in tax law on spousal support and alimony
For divorced entered after December 31, 2018, there has been a profound change in the tax law relating to spousal support and alimony. For divorces entered before January 1, 2019, spousal support or alimony was tax deductible on the payor's federal tax return. The...
You come home and your spouse and kids have moved out. What do you do?
Your worst nightmare is about the happen and you have no clue. In the morning you leave home for work and kiss your spouse and kids. You come home to an empty house. No spouse. No kids. Maybe no furniture. This stuff really happens. What do you do? Try to stay calm...
How To Prepare Your Case For Or Against Spousal Support Or Alimony
WHAT IS YOUR GROSS INCOME? The first thing you need to do for preparing a case for or against spousal support or alimony is to read and know the statute that sets forth the factors that the court must consider in determining alimony. In the most recent blog, I...
How Does The Court Decide The Amount Of Spousal Support Or Alimony?
In Virginia, spousal support or alimony is determined by a Court using the following factors which are set forth in the spousal support statute, called Virginia Code Section 107.3. I will quote the statute's factors. A court is bound to consider the follow factors...