Whether you worry about your safety or your child's well-being or you find yourself facing assault allegations, make sure you understand how these charges can impact custody matters, including child custody petitions. In fact, assault allegations and other accusations...
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Month: February 2021
Remarriage, additional children and current child support orders
Out of 1000 marriages, around 15 will end in divorce. While this rate is not as high as it once was, it still allows plenty of opportunities for unique family dynamics to arise. It is not uncommon for someone to remarry after a divorce, for example, and have...
Is nesting beneficial for the children of divorced parents?
Children are often the most affected by a divorce, especially if they are young and cannot understand why their parents are no longer together. When divorce is necessary for the adults, however, the situation is usually unavoidable. NBC News reports that nesting,...
Children and adjustment to relocation during divorce
Depending on the circumstances of a couple's divorce in Virginia, one or both of them may need to relocate. The challenges of changing familial structure and adjusting to a new place can cause stress and uncertainty for children. When parents must relocate because of...