Mediation offers an effective way for divorcing couples to resolve spousal support, even when there’s a large difference in income. Unlike traditional court battles, mediation allows both parties to have a say in creating a fair agreement. Evaluating each party’s...
Experience, Accessibility And Proven Results

How mediation works during divorce proceedings
If you're facing a divorce in Virginia, you might consider mediation as a way to handle the process. Mediation involves a neutral third party who helps you and your spouse discuss and resolve issues. Understanding the benefits of mediation can help you decide if it's...
Using mediation for your child’s custody agreement concerns
Mediation is a process where a neutral third party helps parents resolve disputes. Mediation can be especially useful when there are disagreements about child custody arrangements. This process allows both parents to communicate openly. This way, they can work...
4 ways mediation can reduce divorce-related stress
Divorce is a complex and emotional process that can bring about significant stress for those involved. However, an alternative approach gaining popularity is divorce mediation. Mediation is a collaborative method that aims to reduce stress by fostering open...
How should you prepare for divorce mediation?
Divorce mediation is one way to expedite the process, especially if you and your spouse have been able to amicably settle some things on your own. Preparing for mediation can help you make the most of your time. Your effort can help you avoid missteps that could set...
Reasons to consider mediation for your divorce
Divorce can take a toll on your finances, your career and your mental health. The longer your separation drags on, the worse of an outcome you may experience. Mediation is one resource you might consider to potentially shorten the time it takes to reach a settlement....
Divorce mediation supports teamwork in creating a parenting plan
Divorcing couples with children must get used to the new co-parenting responsibilities that accompany the family split. Mediation is a divorce option that many couples choose over litigation and one that supports teamwork to create a successful parenting plan. About...
3 signs your spouse is open to mediating your divorce
You have probably heard plenty of horror stories about divorces gone wrong. In these stories, the spouses fight for years over the smallest details, often bickering in open court. Even though you have plenty of reasons for wanting to end your marriage, you have never...
The benefits of communication during mediation and beyond
If you are ending your marriage and have decided on mediation, you undoubtedly have a number of reasons for selecting this divorce option over litigation. However, you may not have realized that communication is central to the mediation process. What will...
Do you have to accept your spouse’s proposed mediator?
Even though there are many happily married couples in the U.S., no marriage is always perfect. If your marriage seems to have more bad days than good ones, however, you may be thinking about divorcing your spouse. Still, having an expensive courtroom battle simply...