I have discussed two types of legal custody. Recall that legal custody means which parent makes major decisions relating to the children. There is sole legal custody in which one parent makes major decisions relating to the children and the other parent has no input into the decision. Then, there is joint legal custody where both parents must make major decisions relating to the children together and one parent cannot make the decision on his or her own. Finally, I discussed seeking a professional’s help in decision making.
There are other types of legal custody which are employed as well as sole and joint legal custody.
Another legal custody arrangement is that the parties have to discuss and attempt to agree on a major decision relating to the child. They may also agree that they will go to a child psychologist or co-parenting counselor. If they still cannot resolve the matter, then one parent can make the decision. The other parent always has the option of going to Court to have a judge decide the issue.
Yet another type of legal custody arrangement is that the parties can each have decision making authority over different issue. For example, one parent can have sole legal custody or decision making over educational and religious issues, while the other parent has sole legal custody or decision making over medical and extra-curricular activities.