You and your spouse should work diligently to resolve custody matters so that you can avoid a court custody battle. But how can the two of you resolve custody issues if you have never done it before? In the last blog, I discussed the process of sitting down with your spouse In this blog, I will address retaining an expert in child related matters.
In addition to meeting with your spouse, or if meeting with your spouse will be counterproductive, you and your spouse can try to find a qualified child psychologist to work through your child related issues. Make sure you chose the best child psychologist available. Your divorce attorney should know of goo and one who specializes in children going through divorce. The sessions may or may not be covered by health insurance. The child psychologist will work with you and your spouse to discuss the issues relating to the children.
He or she will suggest specific areas that you need to address and resolve. He or she can even meet with your children to discuss their needs, desires, problems and issues, and what they want in terms of where they want to live, what type of visitation schedule will work best, and what resources they may need to maintain their mental health and reduce their stress levels. The great benefit of consulting with a child psychologist is that they have experience in handling families going through a divorce. Using his/her experience, the psychologist will come up with ideas and solutions that you probably would not even think about. He/she will come up with pragmatic solutions to your and your children’s issues. Also, you will be given strategies on how to better communicate with each other, to make decisions relating to the children in an amicable and collaborative manner, and to reduce conflict.