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Preliiminary protective orders: what can the court order?

On Behalf of | Apr 25, 2019 | Uncategorized |

If the Court grants you a Preliminary Protective Order, you can ask for the following from the Judge.

  1. Prohibit any contact the alleged offender with you, your family members, or your household members.
  2. Prohibit the offender from coming within a certain distance of you.
  3. Prohibit acts of violence, force, or threats resulting in injury to person or property.
  4. Possession of a companion animal if you meet the definition of such an animal owner.
  5. Grant temporary possession of the residence or suitable housing.
  6. Require the offender to maintain utilities to the residence.
  7. Grant temporary possession of a vehicle.
  8. Any other relief to protect you, your family or household members.


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